Tower Street Public School

By Effort

Telephone02 9773 6017

Uniform shop

The uniform shop is open every Wednesday between 8:45am and 9:15am in the Community Room.

We suggest visiting the Uniform Shop if possible so your child can try clothes on for the correct size. 

Second hand items are available for purchase; if they are not on display please ask to see them.

Orders may also be placed at the office using the following order form. 

Please see our Uniform Shop Price List 2021

As part of the current Student Welfare Policy, staff and parents of this school have reaffirmed that wearing full school uniform is compulsory and your support in this is appreciated.

  • The school has a "No hat, no play" policy. Students must wear their school bucket hat every day - even in winter.
Many items are only available from the school uniform shop, as is indicated in their description.
Other items are available from any school uniform provider, eg. Lowes, Best & Less, Big W.